Sunday, March 17, 2013

Of Site Plan

SNAF White Water Project : Copyright © 2012

'Site Plan' itu sifatnya menerima.
Bersedia untuk sebarang perubahan yang bakal berlaku.
Yang masih diperlukan, kekal di dalamnya.
Yang tidak, dibuang, diubah, ditambah.
Resmi hidup. Moga terus tabah berdepan dengan perubahan.

Do well adik! Allah is with you.
6-year age gap does make me think of you as a young, immature kid.
Been in the situation, gone through that feeling of 'nak balik rumah!!!'
Hang in there dik cause I know how it feels like to be separated with ma abah.
I love you, and so do ma abah and others~

Kakcah is missing everyone :'(